Available courses
Number of topics: 52
This is a new course, which started in September 2015.
There are two units and in each unit there are two topic areas. You will start off with Unit One (Social Psychology) and then finish this unit with Cognitive Psychology. For the remainder of the year, you will learn unit two (Biological and Learning Approaches to Psychology).
Make no mistakes, this is a very demanding course. It is NOT a soft option.
Be prepared to apply GCSE level mathematics (statistics, averages, probability, percentages etc) and science based links (brain parts, hormones, chemicals etc).
It is a theory based subject covering many popular theories on topics like obedience, prejudice, memory, dyslexia etc. You should be prepared to read (a lot!) and write extensively (12 - 18 mark essays).
Number of topics: 20
View courseNumber of topics: 47
Please ensure that you are enrolled on this page if you are in group 2 and 6 - your teacher is Amy Chambers.
This is where your teacher will upload support materials and make content available to you as you progress through the course.